Exploring body image perceptions among people with intellectual disability: a qualitative study
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Multiple studies have addressed body dissatisfaction in the past few years due to its relevant relationship with eating and body dysmorphic disorders. However, there is a lack of research on body dissatisfaction in people with intellectual disabilities. The study aimed to determine the level of body image dissatisfaction in people with mild intellectual disabilities. Qualitative research was applied at two different moments (studies 1 and 2). The first interview (study 1) was composed of 32 semi-structured questions and applied to 26 participants (16 women and 10 men) who answered if they felt comfortable or uncomfortable about their bodies’ appearance. A second session (study 2) was conducted with the seven participants that reported body dissatisfaction in study 1 (five men and two women). The second interview includes 24 questions focusing on the behavioural aspects related to such dissatisfaction. Six themes were identified related to body image, environment, and social media on study 1, and eating, checking behaviour, and physical activity on study 2. Overall, participants were found to have an established and accepted body identity in study 1. however, in study 2, most of them wanted to change their body shape to become “thinner” or “more muscular” under the prism of the Tripartite Influence Model.
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