Student helper programmes for the improvement of school coexistence in Spain
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Student helper programmes are a relevant initiative for improving coexistence that has institutional backing and is usually included in the school’s coexistence plan. This paper presents a systematised review of student helper programmes developed in Spain with the aim of providing an overview of their benefits and limitations. The research was carried out on the basis of the PRISMA statement and the SALSA protocol. Searches were carried out in the Web of Science and Scopus databases and in the bibliographic portal Dialnet. We searched for articles published in scientific journals and that investigated student assistant programmes developed in at least one Spanish primary and/or secondary school. A total of 84 records were identified, meeting seven eligibility criteria. After reviewing the references of these articles, three more were added that met the criteria, forming a document bank of eleven articles. The results showed, on the one hand, a scarcity of research in this line and, on the other hand, participants reported a positive assessment of the programme, considering that it contributes to improving coexistence, developing social skills, favouring inclusion, and promoting the rejection of bullying. Dysfunctionalities were also identified in the selection process for student assistants and coordination problems. All this suggests that the number of investigations and their geographical scope should be increased, coordination should be strengthened and emphasis should be placed on improving the programme’s monitoring mechanisms from the perspective of action research.
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